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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  September 22, 2015 3:08am-4:01am EDT

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simple words. my name is chris noth and i will listen. from maine to maui, thousands of high school students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. chris young: action teams of high school students are joining volunteers of america and major league baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. carlos peña: it's easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. get in on the action at ♪ 'cause you'll be in my heart ♪ ♪ yes, you'll be in my heart ♪ ♪ from this day on
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♪ now and forevermore... narrator: if animals are our best friends, shouldn't we be theirs? visit your local shelter, adopt a pet. ♪ you'll be in my heart ♪ ♪ no matter what... cbs cares. if you were a hippie in the '60s, you need to know. it's the dawning of the age of aquarius. yeah, and something else that's cool. what? osteoporosis is preventable. all: osteo's preventable? right on! if you dig your bones, protect them.
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all: cbs cares! this evening wisconsin governor scott walker dropped out of the race for the republican nomination. former texas governor rick perry left ten days ago. walker was a rising star, but he barely registered in the polls after weak performances in the first two debates. here was walker this evening. >> i will suspend my campaign immediately. i encourage other republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front-runner. >> after the second republican debate donald trump remains in front, but he has slipped eight points. carly fiorina has jumped into
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second place, up 12 points. ben carson is down 5. here's major garrett. >> reporter: for the first time donald trump sounded hesitant about his path to the nomination. >> i don't think panic is a word that i'd use, but you know, sure, i'd like to stay on top. i'm going to do what's right. if i don't make it, that's okay. i'll go back to having a good time and building a business. >> reporter: trump's caution is consistent with what he told us in early august, when his poll numbers were rising. >> the only thing that can really drive me out, if my numbers drop down. i'm a realist. >> reporter: retired neurosurgeon ben carson is embroiled in the kind of controversy usually reserved for trump for saying this on sunday about the possibility of a muslim president. >> i would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge of this nation. i absolutely would not agree with that. >> reporter: the u.s. constitution says "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office." but carson's comments could appeal to part of the republican electorate. according to a gallup poll
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earlier this year, just 45% of republicans say they would support a muslim gop nominee. >> we need this question. >> reporter: the topic arose after trump refused to correct a questioner last week when he falsely accused president obama, a christian, of being muslim and not an american. >> thank you. it's my pleasure. >> reporter: florida senator marco rubio, who jumped eight points in the cnn/orc poll, urged republicans to turn the page. >> he was born in the united states. he's a christian. he's the president of the united states for the next year and a half. and we're going to move on. >> reporter: rubio's campaign picked up a top walker organizer in new hampshire even before the wisconsin governor dropped out. scott, over the weekend close friends urged walker to shake up his top campaign staff, focus on iowa and ride out this tough spot. instead the governor stunned his most loyal financial backers and quit. >> major garrett in the washington newsroom this evening. major, thank you. on the democratic side hillary clinton remains the
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front-runner, up five points in the past two weeks over bernie sanders and possible candidate joe biden. will vice president biden get in? here's nancy cordes. >> it's not like i can rush it. >> reporter: in an interview with the catholic magazine "america" vice president biden said he's still deliberating and knows time is running out. >> we're just not -- you know, it's not quite there yet. and it may not get there in time to make it feasible to be able to run and succeed because there are certain windows that will close. >> reporter: but his increasingly antsy supporters in the draft biden movement insist he is inching toward a bid. over the weekend some backers speculated biden's wife, jill, might be the one with cold feet, prompting her spokesman to tell cbs news and others "of course dr. biden would be on board if her husband decides to run for president."
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>> i think everybody just ought to give him the space to decide what's best for him and his family. >> reporter: on "face the nation" sunday clinton said she's waiting to see what biden does just like everyone else. >> this is such a personal decision. and the vice president has to sort this out. >> reporter: they'd be fighting over the same pool of voters. the latest cnn poll finds that if biden does not jump in nearly all his supporters would back clinton. democratic strategist steve mcmahon. >> at the end of the day democrats like both of these people. >> democrats love both of these people. they agree on almost every issue. but what democrats want more than anything is to protect the gains that we've made over the last eight years, whether it's affordable care, whether it's economic progress or other things that the obama administration has done. >> reporter: and so clinton is spending the next two days campaigning not just to protect obamacare but to expand it with new caps on drug bills. as for biden, scott, one party insider told me the only true deadline is the primary filing deadline in early states, and that's not until late november. >> nancy cordes, thank you very much, nancy.
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today we saw more evidence of russia's military build-up in support of assad's dictatorship in syria. satellite photos show russian fighter jets in eastern syria, and david martin reports the russians have deployed dozens of jets and helicopters. there is concern that they may target rebels that the u.s. supports or come in conflict with american planes that are bombing syria. the exodus from syria's civil war is behind the refugee crisis in europe, and today hungary posted ads in middle eastern newspapers warning refugees that they face prison if they enter illegally. mark phillips reports more borders were shut today. >> i want to go to austria. >> reporter: this is what happens when you're late for the refugee bus at the border crossing. >> you are a human or not? now. answer me now! >> reporter: the stragglers from
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the latest wave of migrants trying to get to western europe through slovenia have discovered it's closed. >> we don't like to go back, please. >> reporter: slovenia only agreed reluctantly, amid harrowing scenes, to allow the thousands who had crushed up against its borders to pass through. and then only on the condition that they move straight on to austria, germany and points north. now police have sealed off the frontier again, and the migrant border camp is being dismantled. another day, another fence, this one being put up by slovenia, closing a route the refugees have been using the past few days. the message -- we're full, enough's enough, don't come. the refugees agree they don't want to be here either. some were so desperate to get onto a train leaving croatia they didn't wait for an invitation, breaking through
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police lines and scrambling through windows. fights broke out. >> go to the back of the line. no fights. >> reporter: those who have been dealing with the crisis on the ground like francesco rocca of the red cross aren't holding out much hope for a quick solution. >> this is something that must be solved. this week we will have again another meeting. we are waiting. every week there is a high-level meeting but there is no response from that meeting. nothing happens. >> reporter: nothing happens because the arithmetic doesn't add up. if you take the numbers of all the migrants that various european countries have agreed to accept, that still doesn't account for the hundreds of thousands who are already in europe. and scott, more are coming. >> mark phillips with the refugees tonight in zagreb, croatia. mark, thank you. history is made at the emmy awards, but why did it take so long? and the pope inspired her to give a neighbor a tremendous gift. when the "cbs evening news" continues.
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we've been changing things up witoh it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both our sensations. it gives us chills in places we've never gotten chills before. yeah, it makes us feel like... dare to feel more with new k-y love. bill's got a very tough 13lie here...... looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that's a "kraken", bruce. it looks like he's going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club... well he's definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you're a golf commentator, you whisper. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. this golf course is electric...
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the television industry has been awarding emmys for nearly seven decades, but last night viola davis became the first black woman to win for lead actress in a drama. only six others have ever been nominated. after davis made history, she sat down with ben tracy. >> i can't seem to get there no how. i can't seem to get over that
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line. >> reporter: using the words of harriet tubman, viola davis crossed a very big line in hollywood and made history. >> the only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity. >> reporter: this was a moment 67 years in the making. >> 67 years, yeah. >> reporter: what did you want people to take away from your speech? >> women of color, actresses, we sit around, we talk about it all the time. we want to get past that line. we want people to know we've been in the game for 20, 30, 40 years, and we want the same opportunities. it's not like there's been a plethora of leading actress roles and you just haven't recognized our talent. there's been nothing. >> reporter: just 13% of female characters on television are african-american. 78% are white. >> how to get away with murder. >> reporter: davis won the emmy for her role as analise keating on the hit show "how to get away with murder." in one memorable scene last season she removed her wig and
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stripped off her makeup. why is this role so unique for a black woman to have? >> i know women like analise in my life that don't necessarily fit the mold but who have a very colorful sex life. but i simply have not seen that on the screen. >> reporter: yet she thinks this could be a breakthrough year. >> you let me be me. >> reporter: fellow black actresses uzo aduba and regina king also took home emmys. >> it's in the passing of the baton that gets you to that finish line, but it's just your leg of the race. it's not the whole race. >> reporter: and viola davis is rooting for those who are still running. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. one of the most familiar faces on television the past 60 years has died. and his story is next.
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the former owner of a georgia peanut company was
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sentenced today to 28 years in prison for a salmonella outbreak. nine people died in 2008 and 2009 and hundreds more got sick. a federal jury convicted stewart parnell of knowingly shipping contaminated peanut butter and faking the lab results. one of the stars of television's golden age has died. jack larson, known to generations of american kids as jimmy olsen. >> up in the sky. it's a bird! >> it's a plane! >> it's superman! >> olsen was a young journalist for "the daily planet" in the 1950s superman series. >> have you got any ideas, chief? >> you're supposed to be a reporter. you get the ideas. and don't call me chief. >> olsen's main role was to provide someone for superman to rescue or to serve as a comic foil. >> i've got it, chief. i've saved "the daily planet." >> what is it this time, olsen,
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pictures of get the cat out of the tree detail again?
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mirrors. they show us all our problem areas... those places that we can't wish or squish away. well now fear no mirror, and eliminate those problem areas with coolsculpting - the patented cooling technology targets and kills fat cells, with no surgery or downtime. so if you want to see a slimmer you when you look in the mirror, go to today to receive a limited time offer for a free consultation.
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idea of father john enzler, president of catholic charities. >> it can be a major sacrifice, but it doesn't have to be. >> exactly. so that for some people it might be i'm just going to do -- i'm going to help out by raking the leaves for my neighbor twice during the fall. i call this a toe in the water idea. put your toe in the water of service. you might get up to your knees pretty quickly. >> reporter: at st. mathias catholic school in lanham, maryland the students decided to launch a food drive. 11-year-old jaylene sotelo and 9-year-old ignacio joy say they were inspired by francis. >> because of all the good deeds he's done. >> reporter: why do you like pope francis? >> because he loves the poor. >> reporter: father enzler's goal is 100,000 pledges by the time the pope arrives, and he just might make it. as for christine heidt, her plan was to give her kidney to anyone who needed it. but it turns out through what she calls divine intervention that she's a match with someone
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in her own parish who desperately needs a kidney. >> in life there are times you're going to give and there are times you're going to receive. and those times that you risk the greatest are when your life will change the most. >> reporter: there's no greater gift to oneself, she says, than giving hope to someone else. chip reid, cbs news, cumming, georgia. that's the "cbs overnight news" for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. -- captions by vitac --
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." and welcome to the "cbs overnight news." a look at the people and events shaping your world. i'm don dahler. pope francis arrives in washington today to begin his historic pilgrimage to the united states. he's got stops planned in new york city and philadelphia, where hundreds of thousands are expected to greet him at every turn. it's the pontiff's first time ever in the u.s., but other popes have made the trip before him. cbs's chip reid begins our coverage from the national basilica in washington. >> reporter: this will be the tenth time a pope has set foot on u.s. soil. for pope francis of course it will be his first. but this could be the most earth-shaking of them all. >> the plane on the ground. it just hit. >> reporter: in 1965 pope paul
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vi made a historic landing in new york. >> to you, america, the first pope to set foot upon your land blesses you with all his heart. >> reporter: he was cheered on by millions as he made his way through manhattan. >> the pope is in the general assembly hall. >> reporter: where he addressed the united nations and met with president lyndon johnson. the pope's enthusiastic reception was a sign of changing times. for many years anti-catholic sentiment had been widespread in the u.s., fueled in part by fears that a catholic american president would take orders from the vatican. that began to change when john f. kennedy affirmed his belief in the separation of church and state in a historic campaign speech in 1960. >> i do not speak for my church on public matters, and the church does not speak for me. >> reporter: father thomas reese is with the "national catholic reporter."
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>> anti-catholicism in a sense died with john kennedy. john kennedy became an american hero. so his assassination kind of put anti-catholicism to rest. >> reporter: more than a decade passed before another pope visited the u.s. in 1979 pope john paul ii traveled to six cities and delivered over 50 speeches and sermons. the final stop was in washington where he visited the white house by invitation of president jimmy carter. >> only a devout baptist president could invite the pope to come and visit the white house. >> was he well received or was there still some fear of a pope coming to washington? >> the church was changing by that time, and americans in general, who were very anti-communist, saw the papacy, saw the pope, saw john paul as an ally of the united states against communism. >> reporter: in a 1987 tour of america pope john paul spoke on human rights. in san francisco he blessed catholic aids patients. in detroit he preached against abortion.
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a message he continued to deliver in a 1993 address in denver and his final address in st. louis in 1999, where he visited with president bill clinton. in 2008 pope benedict xvi made a six-day tour of america. during the trip he highlighted the sexual abuse scandal involving catholic priests in the united states. during a visit to the white house president george w. bush hit a lighter note. ♪ happy birthday to you he and first lady laura bush celebrated pope benedict's 81st birthday. as pope francis makes his way to washington, he will be making history as the first pope to address the u.s. congress. father reese says his message could also ruffle some feathers. >> this pope is concerned about the poor, the environment, and is he critical of libertarian capitalism? so he's not afraid of challenging people.
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and sometimes when he challenges people they get mad. >> you expect him to challenge congress? >> i don't see how he can't. >> reporter: according to one recent major study, the number of catholics in america has been steadily decreasing in recent years. but u.s. catholic leaders hope this visit by pope francis will help turn that trend in the other direction. >> pope francis is the only world leader who plunges into crowds like this. he demands freedom. and he explained why when we visited the vatican last week. >> what is your goal for america? >> [ speaking spanish ]. >> reporter: "to meet people," he told us. but his desire for freedom is exactly what worries the man who stands at the right fender of the father. erst britenmozer is a sergeant in the 500-year-old swiss guard, the pope's bodyguards.
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>> we cannot be like a wall around him. so as he is a pastor, he loves to be a pastor, he needs the contact with people. it's very personal, very human, and for us it's an awesome experience. >> reporter: the guard is the oldest and smallest army on earth, a force of 110. all swiss, all catholic, all pledged to give their lives. there are guards that you can't miss and guards that you can't see. the ones in plain clothes with automatic weapons. in the united states the secret service often says to the president's staff, look, we know you want to do that, but we can't do that. do you ever say that to the pope? >> no. we tried. at the beginning we tried. but he was saying always, he always had the last word. we were discussing about security and safety problems. but he needs to do also his ministry as a pastor. the coast guard is out in
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force in philadelphia. patrolling the delaware river, ready to restrict boat traffic during the pope's visit. captain benjamin cooper took us on patrol. >> we will have this area shut down. we'll have coast guard vessels here. we will screen vessels. we'll intercept them. we'll escort them through once we determine if they are safe. >> reporter: from the water to the streets, planning and construction have been under way for about eight months. it is so detailed that the secret service developed this 3-d virtual map of every location the pope will visit. and secret service agents have traveled to the vatican to study the pope's movements, says david beach, the secret service agent who's in charge of all security in the city. what was the goal there? >> this pope likes to get out and mingle. the vatican folks i think wanted us to see that and see how they worked and to make sure we would be able to accommodate that within reason.
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and you know, i believe we can. >> reporter: officials tell cbs news there is no credible threat against the pope but they do lone wolf attacks as the pope travels through philadelphia. >> he's going to go straight by. he'll come around city hall and then eventually end up back over here. >> reporter: mayor michael nutter says a million people may come to see the pope during his three outdoor events in the city. >> how do you sleep comfortably at night knowing that hey, we've accounted for everybody that's coming in? >> through good screening, good intelligence gathering and really paying attention to what's going on. >> reporter: security will also be tight during the pope's three-day visit to washington. scott, he will deliver his first outdoor mass here at the national basilica on wednesday in front of an expected crowd of about 25,000 people. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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welcome back to the "overnight news." the nuclear deal with iran has touched a political nerve both in washington and jerusalem. but the world hasn't heard much about the view from tehran. steve kroft traveled there for "60 minutes" and put the question directly to iranian president hassan rouhani. >> reporter: what do you think of the agreement? >> translator: a very difficult agreement to reach, with lots of ups and downs. but it's the right path we have chosen. i am happy that we have taken extremely important steps on this issue and are in the process of taking the final steps. >> reporter: were you surprised by the ferocity of the debate in the united states and the outcome? >> translator: it was predictable. an issue of this significance cannot be resolved without its opponents. one is surprised by the
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commentaries and the commentaries are not very pleasant. some groups and political parties may be against it, but the governments of the world altogether welcomed this deal. >> reporter: opponents have argued that the u.s. has given away too much for very little in return from iran, agreeing to lift the sanctions in iran in exchange for what they call a temporary 15-year freeze on nuclear operations, after which iran would be free to resume or begin work on a nuclear bomb with far more resources than they have now. >> translator: if a country wanted, with the technical resources it has, to gain an atomic bomb, this deal would have been a very bad deal for it because the deal creates limitations from all sides to getting an atomic bomb. but if a country has been after peaceful technology from the beginning, then it has lost nothing. we wanted this incorrect accusation, that iran is after nuclear weapons, corrected and
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resolved and that the goal of iran is peaceful activity. in this deal we have accepted limitations for a period of time in order to create more trust with the world. >> reporter: the whole deal requires a leap of faith between two long-time enemies. the iranians have always insisted that their nuclear program is peaceful and that a religious fatwa prohibits them from building nuclear weapons. but there is little doubt that the iranians know how to build them and have had the wherewithal to do it. now they'll be required to ship 98% of their enriched uranium out of the country, lock up thousands of centrifuges, close its bombproof enrichment facility at forda, disable its heavy water reactor at arak, and submit to rigorous international inspections. the opposition here has also been ferocious. the deal has been attacked on state television and in
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hardline newspapers, and the head of the revolutionary guard has said we will never accept it. >> the united states seems to have its hardliners, and iran seems to have its hardliners. the opponents say essentially that they think iran has given up too much. control over their nuclear program to the u.s. and other foreign countries and to the iaea. do you see similarities between the united states and iran in terms of the opposition to this? >> translator: there are similarities. it's natural that opponents always look for the maximum possible outcome. in an agreement neither achieves the maximum. both sides must always concede a little bit from the maximum to get an agreement. therefore, the person who seeks the maximum complains. the result of this agreement benefits everyone. benefits both sides because we've been able to reach an understanding, an agreement on a very complicated issue at the negotiating table and be able to
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prevent misunderstandings and take the first step towards trust. of course for reaching trust between the u.s. and iran there is need for a lot of time. >> reporter: some of the opponents are very powerful. the commander of the revolutionary guard, for example, has condemned the deal. how do you deal with that? that's an important political force in this country. >> translator: it's clear that some will be opposed, some will be in favor. will express their opinions. but at the same time after the agreement is approved by the responsible institutions everyone will comply with that. the revolutionary guards also when the deal is approved by responsible institutions, they too will respect this agreement. >> reporter: president rouhani's boss, supreme leader ayatollah ali khamene, has final say on the agreement and has sent it to the iranian parliament and
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the supreme national security council for a rigorous debate. publicly the ayatollah has maintained a hardline stance against the united states while supporting the negotiations. president rouhani expressed confidence that the deal will be approved. >> translator: the majority of our people in opinion polls have a positive view of the agreement, and usually institutions like the parliament and the supreme national security council are usually not far removed from public opinion and move in that direction. >> reporter: you've been very temperate in your statements about these negotiations. you have been trying to encourage a sense of goodwill between the united states and iran. but some of this and some of the success has been undercut by very harsh statements from both sides. since the deal the ayatollah khamenei has endorsed, even praised the chanting of "death to america" and "death to israel" at the friday prayers by demonstrators. and he continues to call the united states the great satan. do you believe the united states is the great satan?
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>> translator: the enmity that existed between the united states and iran over the decades, the distance, the disagreements, the lack of trust will not go away soon. what's important is which direction we are heading. are we heading toward amplifying the enmity or decreasing this enmity? i believe we have taken the first steps toward decreasing this enmity. >> reporter: do you think the united states is the great satan? >> satan in our religious parlance is used to refer to that power that tricks others and whose words are not clear words, do not match reality. what i can say is that the u.s. has made many mistakes in the past regarding iran and must make up for those mistakes. >> i'm sure you realize that it is difficult for many americans to get past the fact that president obama has signed an
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agreement with a country that says "death to america," "death to israel." how do you explain this? what are they to make of it? are they to take it literally? is this for domestic, internal iranian political consumption? what are americans to make of it? the language. >> translator: this slogan that is chanted is not a slogan against the american people. our people respect the american people. the iranian people are not looking for war with any country. but at the same time the policies of the united states have been against the national interests of iranian people. it's understandable that people will demonstrate sensitivity to this issue. when the people rose up against the shah, the united states aggressively supported the shah until the last moments. in the eight-year war with iraq the americans supported saddam. people will not forget these things.
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we cannot forget the past. but at the same time our gaze must be toward the future. >> "death to america" is a very simple concept. three words. not much room left for interpretation. not very conciliatory. do you see the day when that language will not be used? you yourself have encouraged both sides to try and lower the temperature. >> translator: if america puts the enmity aside, if it initiates goodwill, and if it compensates for the past, the future situation between the united states and iran will change. >> the united states has just signed an agreement with iran to lift the sanctions. is that not a sign of goodwill? >> translator: it hasn't been implemented yet. the lifting of the sanctions must be initiated. >> reporter: full implementation of the agreement is still months away. it requires that the
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international atomic energy agency certify that iran has lived up to its commitments under the deal. do you think the level of trust between iran and the united states has improved because of this treaty? >> translator: relative to the past it's improved. but this does not mean that all disagreements are resolved or all the distrust removed. in one case on one issue, yes, we have managed to overcome the problem. >> reporter: there's been speculation and hope inside and outside of iran and in the united states that this nuclear deal could be a catalyst for some broader if limited cooperation between the two countries where there are mutual interests. >> translator: many areas exist where in those areas it's possible that common goals or common interests may exist. but what is important is that in the nuclear agreement we see how
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the two sides behave in action. enacting this deal in a good way will create a new environment. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. performances in a day with two always infinity... can... ...make a whole night of karaoke. always infinity. the world's first foam pad absorbs 10x its weight
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feels like nothing. infinity. always. rewrite the rules started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? (dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more scent plus oxi boost and febreze. it's our best gain ever! we've been changing things up witoh it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both our sensations. it gives us chills in places we've never gotten chills before. yeah, it makes us feel like...
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dare to feel more with new k-y love. when jackie collins passed
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away last week, the world lost one of its most prolific romance novelists. she published 32 novels, sold half a billion copies, and was translated into more than three dozen languages. here's a look back at her life and legacy. >> excellent. >> thank you. >> reporter: for more than 40 years jackie collins gave her readers an inside look at the lives of hollywood's elite, with characters driven by lust, power, and greed. >> i wanted to write a woman who was not a slut or a hooker but had her own true sexuality and could get out there and do things. >> reporter: born in england, collins, a self-described wild child, was thrown out of her all-girls boarding school at the age of 15. >> my parents actually said to me one day, you know, it's reform school or hollywood. >> reporter: she chose hollywood. following her older sister, actress joan collins. that same year collins had a brief affair with marlon brando, twice her age. >> that was a very short fling.
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i mean, he was my favorite movie star. and you know, marlon's great. >> reporter: collins described writing as her lifelong passion, scribbling out pages in longhand. she wrote some 30 best-selling novels, several of which hit the big and small screens. but her work wasn't without controversy. romance novelist barbara carlin described collins' debut novel "nasty, filthy and disgusting." earlier this month collins revealed to "people" magazine she'd been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer six years ago. only her three daughters knew. she told the magazine, "i did it my way, as frank sinatra would say, and no one has ever known until now, when i feel as though i should come out with it. now i want to save other people's lives." >> try to make exciting stories. and i know that my readers, they love what i do. and they have fun with it. and that's the most important thing. >> private memorial services are being planned in both the united states and the uk. joan collins paid tribute to her younger sister on twitter saturday, writing "farewell to my beautiful brave baby sister.
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i will love you and miss you forever.
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there are hundreds of cruise ships plying the high seas but only one of them that we know of has a female captain. katie mchugh is on her maiden voyage at the helm of the celebrity "summit." peter greenberg went along for the ride. >> everyone has a stereotypical idea of a captain. i'm missing some pounds. i don't have entirely gray hair. i don't have a beard or a parrot. but i think when the guests meet me they are pleasantly surprised. >> no parrot? >> no parrot. not yet. >> our mini wheel. >> reporter: for captain kate mchugh this voyage has been 25 years in the making. what was it like for you to put the four stripes on? >> it was great. instantly recognizable by the guests. >> how are you? >> hi, captain. >> by most guests. some guests did a double take. >> reporter: they sort of whisper behind you, don't they? >> they do. yeah. but when i hear the whisper i
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usually turn around and go have a nice conversation with them. >> hello, captain. how are you today? >> i'm doing well. how's it going? >> good. >> reporter: the 37-year-old is the first american woman to helm a cruise ship. her first day began at 3:30 in the morning with a nonstop series of inspections and checklists. >> he has to change the -- >> reporter: making sure the cabins are ready. >> very nice. >> reporter: the galley is fired up. >> hello, everybody. >> reporter: the ride out to sea goes smoothly. >> and the wind will be pushing us south. so we're going to be a little bit higher than usual. >> reporter: and most importantly, the guests are happy. >> nice to meet you too. welcome on board. >> part of your job is public relations. >> the biggest part would be safety and health on board. >> followed by hand shaking. >> followed by hand shaking. >> hi there. where are you from? >> reporter: and like many ship captains before her, mchugh is following at least one maritime tradition. i noticed the tattoo. >> every sailor's got to have a tattoo, right? so this is mine. it's my anchor to keep me grounded, and then i've got my
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compass rose, my ship's wheel, to see where i'm going. >> reporter: kate's dream to command her own vessel began at the age of 12 when she took her first family cruise to the bahamas. >> i said to my dad, i want to be the cruise director. and my dad said the words that would change my life. he said, "you can do anything you want in the world, including drive the thing." >> reporter: she started as a cadet at the california maritime academy in 1996, when men at the school outnumbered women 15-1. >> celebrity "summit" departure today. bayonne. >> reporter: captaining cruise ships remains a profession dominated by men. >> i think this is the greatest job. traveling. meeting all these people. getting paid for it. it's amazing. >> reporter: and being the boss. >> and being the boss. >> and that's the "cbs overnight news" for this tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new yo ?q
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it's tuesday. september 22nd, 2015. this is the "morning news." pope frances comes to america t. pope ariefbs in washington, d.c. today to start a six-day tour of the united states. wisconsin governor scott walker pulls the plug on his campaign. why he is urging other republican candidates to do the same. and google makes good on its promise to ahmed mohammed. the teen is the skrernt center


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